Bible Difficulties
Does Genesis 6 & 7 Contradict Themselves?
Here is a common Muslim complaint:
…There is a contradiction found between Genesis 6:19, 22; 7:2-3.
In Genesis 6 it says two of ALL living creatures shall be brought into the Ark, which would include both clean and unclean, and that Noah did all as he was commanded by God. Then in Genesis 7 God changed his mind and commanded that there be seven pair of each animal. So I ask, does "two"
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Does "eye for an eye" allow us to take revenge?
One of the questions heard from people today is "Do we take the Bible literally or figuratively?" How we land on this issue has the potential to land us in very different camps. One is biblical while the other is not.
Consider normal conversation from people in today's culture. We use a variety of expressions and methods to portray what we mean. These are known as idioms. Different cultures and eras make use of different idioms.
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Does the Bible contradict the Trinity?
How can Jesus be an equal member of the Trinity when he made statements like "the Father is greater than I"?
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Upon This Rock
Matthew 16:18 said
I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.
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