Search results
Your search for “"Christian"” gave approximately 7 results:
News: Are atheists just Christian with one less one god?
Are atheists on to something when they say they are the same as Christians, but they just believe in one less god?
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News: Vote for the Lamb
Vote for the Lamb
By Tom HareChardon Christian Fellowship · Sunday, November 1, 2020
WE STILL LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY HERE IN THE USA, whether one is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist or other. In light of that, I would like to share some thoughts that I've been thinking about being…
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News: The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation
Meme's are a quick and pithy way to get a larger message across in a way that sticks in your memory. As they reflect our view of the world and our own personality they are frequently humorous, sarcastic and witty. However, in like fashion they can also be unamusing, pungent and sardonic. They are a ripe medium for inaccurate or straight up false information.
In this article I will be…
In this article I will be…
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News: Upon This Rock
While reflecting on the passages of Matthew 16:13-20, some thoughts occured to me. The Roman Catholic Church proclaims that the Bible in Matthew 16:18 states that Peter is the "rock" upon which the "Catholic Church" was formed.1
Matthew 16:18 said
I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.
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News: James 4:4. pt-1
Do we believe all of what God's Word says- heeding every warning and every scripture passage…? Do we really tremble at His Word? Or do we live our lives based on a lie (‘darkness’)? What is a Christian? What does it mean to be Born Again? Do we really love ‘the Truth’? It seems that these terms have a different meaning today…. We must humble ourselves and repent to the point…
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Wiki+ page: 1 John: Introduction
…Saving knowledge vs saving faith
- dualism (matter vs spirit)
- Two points at which Gnosticism showed up:
- The incarnation: Gnostics said it could not have occured.
- Christian living is impossible.
- To exhort and establish believers in the Faith.
- To show that true knowledge of God involves a personal relationship with Him.
- To teach believer
Wiki+ page: 1 John: Outline
…2. The Christian Life Viewed as Divine Sonship — 3:1-4:6
- Sonship tested on practical grounds.
- Sonship demands the ____________________ of righteousness. (3:1-10)
- Sonship demands the ____________________ of fellow believers. (3:10-24)
- Sonship tested on ____________________ grounds. (4:1-6)